19 Mar Keeping It Safe

Let’s be honest. Passwords can be irritating especially in the cyber world that we live in, where everything revolves around the internet and a password is required for practically every move you make. Whether it is Facebook, Amazon or your personal email, passwords are the...

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28 May Our new website is launched!

As the saying goes, "the shoemaker's son always goes barefoot", or in our case "the website developer's own website always comes last (and sucks)". Hopefully not any more though, since we've just revamped our site. Our old one got to the point where it became...

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22 May Heartbleed Advisory

Dear Client, As you may have heard, a major security vulnerability; dubbed "Heartbleed," was recently discovered in OpenSSL. OpenSSL enables SSL and TLS encryption, which governs HTTPS—the secure communications between your computer and the servers on the Internet. It is used by about 2/3 of the...

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